1.) |
West Bengal Panchayat (Recruitment of Employees of Gram Panchayat) Rules, 2007 |
2.) |
cool & rule |
3.) |
Amendment of West Bengal Panchayat (Panchayat Samiti Administration) Rules, 2008 |
4.) |
Amendments to amend the West Bengal Panchayat (Gram Panchayat Administration) Rules, 2004 |
5.) |
Online Civil Registration (Birth & Death) manual |
6.) |
Civil Registration (Birth & Death) related State Rule,WB |
7.) |
training material on Civil Registration (Birth & Death)System |
8.) |
Handbook on circulars,Vol-II on DCRB |
9.) |
Training module on audit of Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad |
10.) |
Training module on audit of Gram Panchayat |
11.) |
WB Zilla Parishads Act,1963 |
12.) |
West Bengal Panchayat (Amendment) Act,2015 |
13.) |
West Bengal Panchayat(Second Amendment)Act,2014 |
14.) |
West Bengal Registration of Births & Deaths - State Rules 2000 |
15.) |
The Registration of Births & Deaths Act |
16.) |
West Bengal Service Rules Part II |
17.) |
West Bengal Service Rules Part I |
18.) |
West Bengal Gram Panchayat Administrative Rules (Revised) |
19.) |
West Bengal ZP & PS Finance & Accounts Rules 2003 |
20.) |
West Bengal PRI Act. 1973 (Sec141A) |
21.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Act. 1973 |
22.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Constitution Rules (Amended) |
23.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Compendium III |
24.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Compendium II |
25.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Compendium I |
26.) |
The West Bengal Right To Public Services Act_2013 (West Bengal Act No XVII of 2013) |
27.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat Second Amendment Act. 2012 (West Bengal Act XXV of 2012) |
28.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat Amendment Act. 2012 (West Bengal Act IX of 2012) |
29.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat Elections Second Amendment Act. 2012 (West Bengal Act. XXVI of 2012) |
30.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat Elections Amendment Act. 2012 (West Bengal Act XXIII of 2012) |
31.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat Election Rules 2006 |
32.) |
The West BengalPanchayat Elections Act. 2003 |
33.) |
West Bengal Panchayat (Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad) Budget Rules, 2008 |
34.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat (Amendment) Act. 2010 |
35.) |
The W.B.Panchayat( GP Accounts Audit Budget Rule) 2007 |
36.) |
The West Bengal Panchayat (Constitution) Rules, 1975 |
37.) |
Gram Panchayat Administration Rule 2004 (English) |
38.) |
Gram Panchayat Administration Rule 2004 (Bengali) |
39.) |
Bye Law Approval |
40.) |
Panchayat Samiti Recruiment Rule |
41.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Samiti Administration Rule 2008 |
42.) |
West Bengal Panchayat Act. 1973 |